Services include:
- smog inspect all vehicles
- repair and certify all failed smog vehicles, approved by Consumer Assistance Program

Services include:
- replace spark plugs
- adjust ignition timing, as required
- adjust curb idle speed, as required
- visually inspect emission-controlled related devices
- visually inspect plug wires
- visually inspect distribution cap and rotor, when accessible
- clean fuel injectors
- clean ISC motor, as required
- clean throttle body air intake
- visually inspect fuel lines and fuel rail
- pressure test fuel pump
- visually inspect fuel pump, pressure regulator, vacuum line and connections
- decarbonize intake manifold
- decarbonize intake and exhaust valves
- decarbonize combustion chamber and pistons
- test exhaust emissions

Services include:
- test system for proper Freon
- test Freon for moisture contamination
- test Freon for air contamination
- clean condenser finds, as required
- inspect and adjust AC compressor drive belt
- performance test AC operation
- inspect all visible AC components for leaks and add Freon dye, as needed
- test antifreeze for proper mix

Services include:
- visually inspect hydraulic system for leak and condition
- remove all wheels and inspect brake lining, brake hardware and wheel cylinders
- remove brake dusts and deglaze brake shoes
- adjust brakes
- adjust parking brake
- lubricate backing plate and adjust hardware

Services include:
- road test for engine performance, transmission operation and shift patterns
- flush transmission cooler and cooler lines
- flush transmission valve body
- flush transmission torque converter
- thoroughly clean all internal parts
- flush out all contaminated transmission fluid and replace with clean fluid
- install transmission additive to revitalize transmission seals and 0-rings
- road test vehicle for proper transmission operation

Services include:
(suggests once a year to prolong the life of tires)
- inspect steering and suspension system, tire condition, air pressure
- place vehicle on alignment rack; mount and compensate sensors
- check wheel alignment initial readings
- adjust camber, caster, and toe angles to manufacturer specifications, if applicable
- check final wheel alignment readings
- verify the alignment is within specification
- road test

Services include:
- inspect battery connections
- charge battery to full capacity
- load test battery and record readings
- inspect alternator belt and adjust, as required
- perform alternator output test and record readings
- perform starter draw test and record readings
- perform test for draw on electrical system and record findings
- replace battery, if required

Services include:
- clean fuel injectors
- clean ISC/ASC motor, as required
- clean throttle body air intake
- visually inspect fuel lines and fuel rail
- pressure test fuel pump
- test and visually inspect fuel pump, pressure regulator, vacuum line and connections
- decarbonize intake manifold
- decarbonize combustion chamber and pistons
- decarbonize intake and exhaust valves
- test exhaust emission
We troubleshoot, diagnose the check engine light when illuminated, flashing, illuminates then go away.
NOTE: this is not "CODE READING". Any human being can read any 4-digit trouble codes with their functioning naked eyes from the monitor screen. Please do not confuse this with the actual diagnostic testing.

Those are important check-ups to prevent costly repairs. Our team at CR Auto will be following themanufacturers standard recommendations. If you are uncertain what kind of service(s) your vehicle needs, feel free to contact us.

BE CAUTIOUS! When the Brake Warning Light is on or flashing, do not take it lightly. We inspect the functionality of braking system: we inspect for leaks (if any), inspect all brakes, clutch, brake lines, parking brake, brake fluids, and others for wear and tear.

When the Charging System Warning Light (aka. Battery Light) appears on the dashboard, it indicates the charging system of the vehicle is failing. It does not necessary conclude, the battery needs a replacement. Please, consider having the charging system inspected first, before replacing a battery right away.

The purpose of the TPMS is to alert you when the tire pressure is low, and could create unsafe driving conditions. When the light illuminates, goes on and off, flashes then stays on, it's best to stop driving and have a visual look at your tires. The light will usually go away once you adjusted the tire pressures. NOTE: if the light stays illuminated no matter how many times you added air into them, you must have it inspected.

This service helps eliminate potential risks of purchasing a LEMON CAR. Our team at CR Auto will thoroughly inspect the vehicle as-is and provide you a report listing items that would need your attention.
We carry a wide range of light bulbs for: tail light, signal light, brake light, headlight, dome light, fog light, license plate light, and others.
(just a sample on picture shown)

We have most of the wiper sizes available for your cars.
Feel free to swing by during business hours!
Monday-Friday: 8AM-5PM
Saturday: 9AM-3PM